(020) Quick Start

Install QMirror DB

1. (110) (130) Install and configure PC database
2. (200) Create an AS400 user profile for QMirror DB
3. (300) Install QMirror DB
4. (330) Configure QMirror DB
5. Performance check (command option P)
6. (340) Build up table list from AS400 physical files (command option 4) (Note: The empty physical files on the AS400 will not be processed by the trial version.)
7. (360) Start AS400 journaling (command option 8)

Execute QMirror DB

1. (400) Start a new instance (command option 1)
2. (410) Log monitoring (command option L)
3. (410) Status monitoring (command option S)

Add more AS400 physical files into QMirror DB table list

1. (440) End current instance (command option 2)
2. (450) Add more AS400 physical files into QMirror DB table list (command option 4) (Note: The empty physical files on the AS400 will not be processed by the trial version.)
3. (360) Start AS400 journaling (command option 8)
4. (400) Start a new instance (command option 1)
5. (410) Log monitoring (command option L)
6. (410) Status monitoring (command option S)

Previous (010) 3 Steps to Implement QMirror DB
Next (110) (130) Install and configure PC database

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