(210) Check AS400 configuration

Normally, QMirror DB should run well under common AS400 configuration. If you have a slow download speed, you need to check and tune your AS400 configuration.

Please refer to the following paragraphs to check your AS400 configuration. Watch the QMirror/DB performance status and tune accordingly.

1. Use command DSPUSRPRF QUSER to verify that the user’s status is *ENABLED.

2. Use command STRHOSTSVR *ALL to start the optimized host server daemons.

3. Amend QZDASOINIT/QUSER PJ jobs back to normal priority.

a) QZDASOINIT run priority based on QSYS/QPWFSERVER *CLS
b) Default value = 20
d) Restart QSERVER subsystem

4. Use command CHGPJE SBSD(QSYSWRK) PGM(QSQSRVR) MAXJOBS(*NOMAX) to set SQL maximum number of jobs to *NOMAX. You might refer to http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/ infocenter/wasinfo/v6r1/ index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.websphere. base.iseries.doc/info/iseries/ ae/tins_is_cfgsql.html

Notes: For OS400 V3, use command

5. Tune AS400 server for Java SQL Database access. Please refer to http://archive.midrange.com/ java400-l/200210/msg00036.html

6. QMirror/DB requires these AS400 ports to connect to AS400:
Non-SSL – 446, 449, 8470, 8471, 8472, 8473, 8474, 8475, 8476
SSL – 448, 449, 9470, 9471, 9472, 9473, 9474, 9475, 9476

7. For AS400 SSL, import the AS400 certificate using JRE 1.8 keytool to generate a keystore named QMirror.ks. Then, put it into directory C:\QMirrorDB.

Previous (200) Create an AS400 user profile for QMirror/DB
Next (300) Install QMirror/DB

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