(340) Build up table list from AS400 physical files

(Note: The empty physical files on the AS400 will not be processed by the trial version.)

To build up table list from AS400 physical files, take command option 4 to enter AS400 library name and physical file name.

Buildup table list from AS400 physical files –
Enter AS400 library name: libr1
Enter AS400 physical file name (*ALL/generic name/name): *all
Omit empty files? (Y/n) y
Buildup table list from AS400 physical files LIBR1/*ALL (y/N/q) y

20xx/xx/xx 11:39:51 Buildup table list from AS400 physical files LIBR1/*ALL
20xx/xx/xx 11:39:51 This may take minutes …
20xx/xx/xx 11:40:08 Adding: LIBR1/FCOA(FCOA) – Chart of Account
20xx/xx/xx 11:40:08 Adding: LIBR1/FJVTX(FJVTX) – Journal voucher
20xx/xx/xx 11:40:08 Adding: LIBR1/FPCTL(FPCTL) – Period controlling
20xx/xx/xx 11:40:08 Adding: LIBR1/FPLF(FPLF) – Posting log file
20xx/xx/xx 11:40:08 Adding: LIBR1/FBALSH(FBALSH) – Balance sheets
20xx/xx/xx 11:40:08 Adding: LIBR1/FINCST(FINCST) – Income statements
20xx/xx/xx 11:40:09 End of buildup table list from AS400.

Buildup table list from AS400 physical files –
Enter AS400 library name: (LIBR1/q) libr2
Enter AS400 physical file name (*ALL/generic name/name): fap*
Omit empty files? (Y/n) y
Buildup table list from AS400 physical files LIBR2/FAP* (y/N/q) y

20xx/xx/xx 11:40:21 Buildup table list from AS400 physical files LIBR2/FAP*
20xx/xx/xx 11:40:21 This may take minutes …
20xx/xx/xx 11:40:33 Adding: LIBR2/FAPCTL(FAPCTL) – A/P controlling
20xx/xx/xx 11:40:33 Adding: LIBR2/FAPTX(FAPTX) – A/P transactions
20xx/xx/xx 11:40:34 End of buildup table list from AS400.

Buildup table list from AS400 physical files –
Enter AS400 library name: (LIBR2/q) q 

The table list will be kept in the system table QMIRROR.ZAMTBF. Please refer to (A10) AS400 table master (ZAMTBF).

If you want to rearrange the download sequence, tune the field TBPRTY in the system table QMIRROR.ZAMTBF.

QMirror/DB takes the index keys out of the AS400 logical fields related to the new selected physical files and inserts them into system table QMIRROR.ZTBSQL to build up indexes on the target PC database.

To activate specified indexes, set the column ZQSTS to ‘’ in the system table QMIRROR.ZTBSQL. To omit the specified indexes, set the column ZQSTS to ‘X’ in the system table QMIRROR.ZTBSQL.

For data replication performance consideration, the indexes on the target PC database only build up when the delay is below 60 seconds.

Previous (330) Configure QMirror/DB
Next (350) Build up indexes from AS400 logical files

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