(360) Start / End AS400 journaling by QMirror/DB

QMirror/DB uses AS400 journal to do data replication. You can let QMirror/DB setup AS400 journaling for you. When you run QMirror/DB command option 8 – ‘Start / End AS400 journaling’, QMirror/DB will keep message queue (MSGQ), journal receivers (JRNRCV) and journal (JRN) into library ‘QMIRROR’. If command option 8 is not shown on the menu, you might need to first quit the current instance by taking command option 2.

The size of each journal receiver created by QMirror/DB is 200MB. QMirror/DB keeps the last ten journal receivers and deletes the earlier ones at every 7 a.m. If you’d like to maintain journal receivers by yourself, set field ZMJRCV to -1 in the system table QMIRROR.ZJMASF.

(Notes: For multiple configurations, QMirror/DB does not delete journal receivers.)

The easiest way is to let QMirror/DB handle AS400 journaling for you. If you choose to build up AS400 journaling yourself, QMirror/DB will use that journal if it exists. Note that you should retain these journal receivers for at least one day before deleting them. The maximum number of receivers on the AS400 is 2045 receivers. If you get a CPF7053 error message, delete the oldest receivers until the receiver directory contains 2045 or fewer receiver entries.

(Notes: For OS400 V5 and above, check journal caching for all of your own journals with AS400 command WRKJRNA. Set field ZJRCHE in the system table QMIRROR.ZSERVR to ‘N’ if all the journals cache status are *NO. This may increase replication performance.)

To omit some specified tables from journal QMIRROR/JRN, set field TBREPL to ‘N’ in the system table QMIRROR.ZAMTBF.

Attention: never start journaling for any object in working library ‘QMIRROR’.

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