(570) Install QMirror/DB as a Windows service

1. QMirror/DB service must be installed after QMirror/DB.
2. QMirror/DB service must be installed on the same PC server which has QMirror/DB installed.
3. QMirror/DB service xxxx.ini will be reset when QMirror/DB instance xxxx starts​ up.

Install QMirror DB as a Windows service

1. Download QMirror_DB_8xxs.zip from https://www.qmirror.com/download/

2. Uninstall the earlier QMirror/DB Service from the Windows program menu list

3. Unzip, execute QMirror_DB_8xxs.exe, and follow the instructions

4. A program menu ‘QMirror DB Service’ will be created on Windows

5. No need to drop any table on the existing PC databases of the earlier version

6. Edit the preset parameters as needed in ROOT.ini in c:\qmirrorDBservice

Notes: QMirror/DB Service keeps the last workable ROOT.ini into ROOT.ini.ba2 automatically, so there is no need to re-edit ROOT.ini again when you upgrade QMirror/DB Service to a newer version.

7. Start QMirror/DB Service by launching ‘Services’ from the Windows ‘Control Panel / Administrative Tools’

8. Refer to (410) Get QMirror DB running log and status

Multiple configurations

For multiple configurations, create a new QMirror/DB Service as below:

1. Copy ROOT.ini to a new file, E.g. EAST.ini

2. Edit the preset parameters as needed in EAST.ini

Notes: QMirror/DB keeps the last workable EAST.ini into EAST.ini.ba2 automatically, so there is no need to re-edit EAST.ini again when you upgrade QMirror/DB to a newer version.

3. To create an extra QMirror/DB Service:

sc create QMirrorEAST binpath= “c:\QMirrorDBService\qmirrorDBs.exe EAST.ini” start= auto displayname= “QMirrorDB EAST”

(a space is required between equal ‘=’ and double quote ‘”’)

4. To remove an extra QMirror/DB Service:

sc delete QMirrorEAST

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