(300) Simulation Test

Simulation test is a well designed function for you to quickly review QMirror/BK in a few minutes. Execute Simulation Test requires QMirror/BK library list to be empty. To empty QMirror/BK library list, use command option 3 – ‘Remove libraries from library list’.

Simulation test uses the following AS400 commands to build up simulation environments:


Start QMirror/BK, use command option T – ‘Simulation test’

20xx/xx/xx 15:33:59 Login AS400 at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx …
20xx/xx/xx 15:34:06 Timer Synchronizing
20xx/xx/xx 15:34:03 AS400 – Serial number xxxxxxx Model xxx
20xx/xx/xx 15:34:03 OS400 – Version x Release x Modification x
20xx/xx/xx 15:34:03 QMirror working library on AS400 is QMIRROR

QMirror/BK x.x.x (released in 20xx/xx) command list (QMBK):
1 – Start QMirror/BK
4 – Build up object list from AS400 libraries
6 – Show selected library list
7 – Show excluded object list
8 – ENDJRNPF unselected libraries
K – Change license key
R – Switch to recovery mode
T – Simulation test
U – Uninstall QMirror/BK
Q – Quit
Your option is (1/4/5/6/7/8/k/r/t/u/Q)

QMirror/BK will create two libraries, BK001 and BK002. Then build up simulation data in both libraries.

Build up simulation data
CRTLIB – Create library BK001
CRTLIB – Create library BK002

CRTDTAARA – Create data area dtaara101 on library BK001
CRTDTAARA – Create data area dtaara202 on library BK002

CRTSRCPF -CreatesourcephysicalfileQCLPSRC on library BK001
ADDPFM – Add source physical file member CLP101 to QCLPSRC
Insert CLP statements into source CLP101
CPYF – Copy source member CLP101 to CLP102

CRTSRCPF -Create source physical file QDDSSRC on library BK001
ADDPFM – Add source physical file member FILE101 to QDDSSRC
Insert DDS statements into source FILE101
CRTPF – Create physical file FILE101 from DDS on library BK001
Insert 5 records into FILE101

ADDPFM – Add source physical file member FILE101_LF to QDDSSRC
Insert DDS statements into source FILE101_LF
CRTLF – Create logical file FILE101_LF from DDS on library BK001


You can use PDM to review object list in libraries BK001 and BK002.

Work with Objects Using PDM
Library . . . . . BK001 Position to . . . . . . . .
Position to type . . . . .
Type options, press Enter.
2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display 7=Rename
8=Display description 9=Save 10=Restore 11=Move …

OptObjectTypeAttribute Text
FILE101 *FILEPF-DTA Physical file 101
FILE101_LF*FILELFLogical file for FILE101
DTAARA101*DTAARAText of dtaara101

Parameters or command
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F6=Create
F9=Retrieve F10=Command entry F23=More options F24=More keys

Use command option 4 – ‘Build up object list from AS400 libraries’

Please take the following steps:
Take a look at QMirror/BK simulation test data on your AS400
Use command option 4 to build up object list from library BK001 and BK002

QMirror/BK x.x.x (released in 20xx/xx) command list (QMBK):
1 – Start QMirror/BK
4 – Build up object list from AS400 libraries
6 – Show selected library list
7 – Show excluded object list
8 – ENDJRNPF unselected libraries
K – Change license key
R – Switch to recovery mode
Q – Quit
Your option is (1/4/5/6/7/8/k/r/Q) 4

Build up object list from library BK001 and BK002.

Auto-select new libraries from source AS400 to target AS400? (y/N) n
New libraries auto-select disabled

Build up object list from source AS400 to target AS400 –
Enter source AS400 library name (*ALLUSR/generic*/name): dr001
Replicate from source libraries DR001 (y/N/q) y

DR001selected. Analyzing… 

DTAARA101 *DTAARA 9 Text of dtaara101
FILE101 *FILE 91Physical file 101
FILE101_LF*FILE 29 Logical file for FILE101
FILE101*FILE13member FILE101
QCLPSRC *FILE 9 member CLP102
QDDSSRC *FILE 9 member FILE101
QDDSSRC *FILE 9 member FILE101_LF 

Library DR001 has 10 objects/members, 0Mb
Total needs to transfer 10 objects/members, 0Mb 

Build up object list from source AS400 to target AS400 –
Enter source AS400 library name (*ALLUSR/generic*/name): (DR001/q) dr002
Replicate from source libraries R002 (y/N/q) y


DTAARA202 *DTAARA9Text of dtaara202 

Library DR002 has 1 objects/members, 0Mb
Total needs to transfer 11 objects/members, 0Mb 

Build up object list from source AS400 to target AS400 –
Enter source AS400 library name (*ALLUSR/generic*/name): (DR002/q) q

Backup simulation data to save files

CRTLIB – Create library BK_SAVF
CRTSAVF – Create save file BK001 on library BK_SAVF
SAVLIB – Save library BK001 to BK_SAVF/BK001
CRTSAVF – Create save file BK002 on library BK_SAVF
SAVLIB – Save library BK002 to BK_SAVF/BK002


Simulation Test backed up libraries BK001 and BK002 to save files in library BK_SAVF.

Use command 1 – ‘Start QMirror/BK’

Please use command option 1 to start QMirror/BK

QMirror/BK x.x.x (released in 20xx/xx) command list (QMBK):
1 – Start QMirror/BK
3 – Remove libraries from library list
4 – Build up object list from source AS400 libraries
6 – Show selected library list
7 – Show excluded object list
8 – ENDJRNPF unselected libraries
K – Change license key
R – Switch to recovery mode
U – Uninstall QMirror/BK
Q – Quit
Your option is (1/3/4/5/6/7/8/k/r/u/Q) 1

QMirror/BK Starts running.

Continue simulation test

CRTDTAARA – Create data area dtaara102 on library BK001
CRTDTAARA – Create data area dtaara103 on library BK001
MOVOBJ – Move data area dtaara101 from library BK001 to BK002
20xx/xx/xx 15:59:57 Object deleted (S) – BK001/DTAARA101 *DTAARA
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:01 Back up – BK002/DTAARA101 *DTAARA
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:01 Back up – BK001/DTAARA102 *DTAARA
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:02 Back up – BK001/DTAARA103 *DTAARA
CHGOBJD – Change source physical file QCLPSRC text
ADDPFM – Add source physical file member CLP103 to QCLPSRC
Insert CLP statements into source CLP103
CRTCLPGM -Create CLP program CLP103
ADDPFM – Add source physical file member FILE101_L2 to QDDSSRC
Insert DDS statements into source FILE101_L2
CRTLF – Create another logical file FILE101_L2 from DDS on library BK001
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:15 Physical file BK001/QCLPSRC changed
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:15 Delay 7 secs. From 20xxxxxx/155959 to 160010 (3 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:20 Back up – BK001/QCLPSRC/CLP103
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:24 Delay 6 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160010 to 160020 (5 rcds)
Double records in file FILE101 (total 10 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:27 Back up – BK001/CLP103 *PGM
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:27 Back up – BK001/QDDSSRC/FILE101_L2
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 20 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:34 Delay 6 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160020 to 160030 (5 rcds)
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 40 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:43 Back up – BK001/FILE101_L2 *FILE
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:43 Delay 5 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160030 to 160040 (30 rcds)
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 80 rcds)
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 160 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:53 Delay 5 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160040 to 160050 (40 rcds)
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 320 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:01:03 Delay 5 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160050 to 160100 (80 rcds)
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 640 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:01:13 Delay 5 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160100 to 160110 (160 rcds)
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 1280 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:01:23 Delay 5 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160110 to 160120 (320 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:01:33 Delay 5 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160120 to 160130 (640 rcds)
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 2560 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:01:54 Delay 6 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160140 to 160150 (1280 rcds)
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 5120 rcds)
Update file FILE101 set COL02=333,COL03=’333′ where COL01=’3′
Update file FILE101 set COL02=55555,COL03=’55555′ where COL01=’5′
20xx/xx/xx 16:02:16 Delay 8 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160200 to 160210 (3854 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:02:24 Delay 6 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160210 to 160220 (1024 rcds)


You can do more changes on library BK001 or BK002 if you like.

Simulation test continues to create and change objects on AS400. Physical file BK001/FILE001 will be inserted with more records and changes.

Continue simulation test

CRTDTAARA – Create data area dtaara102 on library BK001
CRTDTAARA – Create data area dtaara103 on library BK001
MOVOBJ – Move data area dtaara101 from library BK001 to BK002
20xx/xx/xx 15:59:57 Object deleted (S) – BK001/DTAARA101 *DTAARA
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:01 Back up – BK002/DTAARA101 *DTAARA
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:01 Back up – BK001/DTAARA102 *DTAARA
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:02 Back up – BK001/DTAARA103 *DTAARA
CHGOBJD – Change source physical file QCLPSRC text
ADDPFM – Add source physical file member CLP103 to QCLPSRC
Insert CLP statements into source CLP103
CRTCLPGM -Create CLP program CLP103
ADDPFM – Add source physical file member FILE101_L2 to QDDSSRC
Insert DDS statements into source FILE101_L2
CRTLF – Create another logical file FILE101_L2 from DDS on library BK001
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:15 Physical file BK001/QCLPSRC changed
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:15 Delay 7 secs. From 20xxxxxx/155959 to 160010 (3 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:20 Back up – BK001/QCLPSRC/CLP103
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:24 Delay 6 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160010 to 160020 (5 rcds)
Double records in file FILE101 (total 10 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:27 Back up – BK001/CLP103 *PGM
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:27 Back up – BK001/QDDSSRC/FILE101_L2
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 20 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:34 Delay 6 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160020 to 160030 (5 rcds)
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 40 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:43 Back up – BK001/FILE101_L2 *FILE
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:43 Delay 5 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160030 to 160040 (30 rcds)
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 80 rcds)
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 160 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:00:53 Delay 5 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160040 to 160050 (40 rcds)
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 320 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:01:03 Delay 5 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160050 to 160100 (80 rcds)
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 640 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:01:13 Delay 5 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160100 to 160110 (160 rcds)
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 1280 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:01:23 Delay 5 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160110 to 160120 (320 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:01:33 Delay 5 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160120 to 160130 (640 rcds)
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 2560 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:01:54 Delay 6 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160140 to 160150 (1280 rcds)
Double records again in file FILE101 (total 5120 rcds)
Update file FILE101 set COL02=333,COL03=’333′ where COL01=’3′
Update file FILE101 set COL02=55555,COL03=’55555′ where COL01=’5′
20xx/xx/xx 16:02:16 Delay 8 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160200 to 160210 (3854 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 16:02:24 Delay 6 secs. From 20xxxxxx/160210 to 160220 (1024 rcds)


You can do more changes on library BK001 or BK002 if you like.

To simulate recovery procedure, stop QMirror/BK first, then rename library BK001 and BK002 to BK001_NEW and BK002_NEW. Restore library BK001 and BK002 from save files from library BK_SAVF.

Please take the following steps:
Use Cntl-C to end QMirror/BK
Rename library BK001 to BK001_NEW: RNMOBJ OBJ(QSYS/BK001) OBJTYPE(*LIB) NEWOBJ(BK001_NEW)
Rename library BK002 to BK002_NEW: RNMOBJ OBJ(QSYS/BK002) OBJTYPE(*LIB) NEWOBJ(BK002_NEW)
Restore library BK001: RSTLIB SAVLIB(BK001) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(BK_SAVF/BK001)
Restore library BK002: RSTLIB SAVLIB(BK002) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(BK_SAVF/BK002)
Run run_qmirror_qmbk.bat
Use command option 2 to end QMirror/BK
Use command option R to switch to recovery mode
Run qmirrorbkxxx.exe
Use command option 9 to start recovery
After recovery, compare library BK001 with BK001_NEW, and BK002 with BK002_NEW

You can use PDM to list library BK*.

Work with Objects Using PDM

Library . . . . . DR001 Position to . . . . . . . .

Type options, press Enter.
2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display 7=Rename
8=Display description 9=Save 10=Restore
Opt LibraryTypeDeviceText
BK_SAVF *TESTQMirror/BK test library for SAVF
BK001 *TESTQMirror/BK test library 001
BK001_NEW *TESTQMirror/BK test library 001
BK002 *TESTQMirror/BK test library 002
BK002_NEW*TEST QMirror/BK test library 002

Execute QMirror/BK and use command option 2 – ‘End current instance’. Use command option ‘R’ to switch QMirror/BK to recovery mode.

QMirror/BK recovery mode does not allow batch login, use qmirror.bat instead. Use command option 9 – ‘Start recovery’.

xx/xx/xx 17:15:14 > > > RECOVERY MODE < < <

20xx/xx/xx 17:15:14 Login AS400 at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx …
20xx/xx/xx 17:15:18 Timer Synchronizing
20xx/xx/xx 17:15:16 AS400 – Serial number xxxxxxx Model xxx
20xx/xx/xx 17:15:16 OS400 – Version x Release x Modification x
20xx/xx/xx 17:15:16 QMirror working library on AS400 is QMIRROR

20xx/xx/xx 17:15:17 Earliest save date/time at 20xxxxxx/154746
20xx/xx/xx 17:15:17 Earliest saved object – BK001
20xx/xx/xx 17:15:17 Journal backup stopped at 20xxxxxx/160220

QMirror/BK x.x.x (released in 20xx/xx) command list (QMBK):
6 – Show selected library list
9 – Start recovery
B – Switch to backup mode
G – Recovery triggers setting only
Q – Quit
Your option is (6/9/b/t/Q) 9

Earliest save date/time 20xxxxxx/154746
Earliest saved library – BK001
Recovery from date (20xxxxxx/q):
Recovery from time (154746/q):
Recovery from 20xxxxxx/154746 (y/N): y

20xx/xx/xx 17:21:38 QMirror/BK x.x.x recovery mode start up (QMBK) …
20xx/xx/xx 17:21:40 Object deleted – BK001/DTAARA101 *DTAARA
20xx/xx/xx 17:21:41 Recovery object – BK001/DTAARA102 *DTAARA
20xx/xx/xx 17:21:41 Recovery object – BK001/DTAARA103 *DTAARA
20xx/xx/xx 17:21:41 Recovery object – BK002/DTAARA101 *DTAARA
20xx/xx/xx 17:21:41 Recovery object – BK001/CLP103 *PGM CLP
20xx/xx/xx 17:21:41 Recovery start from 20xxxxxx/155959
20xx/xx/xx 17:21:41 Reorganize working library …
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:16 Journal recovery preparing …
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:21 Physical file BK001/QCLPSRC changed
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:22 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/155959 to 160007 (3 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:22 Recovery member – BK001/QCLPSRC/CLP103
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:28 Physical file BK001/QCLPSRC changed
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:28 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160007 to 160010 (3 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:29 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160010 to 160017 (1 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:29 Recovery object – BK001/FILE101_L2 *FILE LF
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:31 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160017 to 160019 (5 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:32 Recovery member – BK001/QDDSSRC/FILE101_L2
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:34 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160019 to 160020
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:34 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160020 to 160030 (5 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:35 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160030 to 160040 (30 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:35 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160040 to 160050 (40 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:36 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160050 to 160100 (80 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:36 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160100 to 160110 (160 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:39 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160110 to 160120 (320 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:46 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160120 to 160130 (640 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:54 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160130 to 160141 (1200 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:22:54 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160141 to 160150 (80 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:23:04 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160150 to 160201 (1200 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:23:14 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160201 to 160201 (1210 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:23:16 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160201 to 160210 (1174 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:23:25 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160210 to 160220 (1024 rcds)
20xx/xx/xx 17:23:26 Recovery data from 20xxxxxx/160220 to 172325
20xx/xx/xx 17:23:26 Journal recovery completed
20xx/xx/xx 17:23:29 Recovery triggers setting

20xx/xx/xx 17:23:34 Recovery completed

You can use PDM to compare object list between libraries BK001 and BK001_NEW.

Work with Objects Using PDM

Library . . . . . BK001 Position to . . . . . . . .
Position to type . . . . .

Type options, press Enter.
2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display 7=Rename
8=Display description 9=Save 10=Restore 11=Move …

Opt ObjectTypeAttributeText
CLP103*PGMCLPQMirror/BK test CLP 103
FILE101*FILEPF-DTAPhysical file 101
FILE101_LF*FILELFLogical file for FILE101
FILE101_L2*FILE LFLogical file for FILE101 #2
DTAARA102*DTAARAText of dtaara102
DTAARA103*DTAARAText of dtaara103

STRSQL, use the following SQL statement to check if data in file BK001/FILE101 is same as BK001_NEW/FILE101.


Display Data
Data width . . . . . . :
Position to line . . . . .Shift to column . . . . . .
Column 01COUNT ( * )SUM ( COL02 )
11,024 1,024
2 1,024 2,048
3 1,024 340,992
4 1,024 4,096
5 1,024 56,888,320
******** End of data ******** 
To remove simulation test data:
  1. End QMirror/BK
  2. Use QMirror/BK command option ‘3’ to clear entire library object list
  3. Delete library BK001 and BK002 on AS400

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