(510) Install QMirror/DR as a Windows service

To install QMirror/DR as a Windows service:
1. Download QMirror_DR_1xxs.zip from https://www.qmirror.com/download/

2. Uninstall the earlier QMirror/DR service from the Windows program menu list

3. Unzip, execute QMirror_DR_1xxs.exe, and follow the instructions

4. A program menu ‘QMirror DR Service’ will be created on Windows

5. Edit the preset parameters as needed in c:QMirrorDRServiceQMDR.ini

Notes: QMirror/DR service keeps the last workable QMDR.ini into QMDR.ini.ba2 automatically, so there is no need to re-edit QMDR.ini again when you upgrade QMirror/DR service to a newer version.

6. Start QMirror/DR service by launching ‘Services’ from the Windows ‘Control Panel / Administrative Tools’

Refer to (440) Get QMirror/DR running log and status

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