QMirror DR

(020) Quick start

Install QMirror DR 1. Create AS400 user profiles for QMirror DR 2. Install QMirror DR 3. Configure QMirror DR 4. Simulation Test Execute QMirror DR 1. Build up library list from source AS400 libraries (command option 4)(to start journaling for physical files) 2. Save libraries from source AS400 and restore to target AS400 by tape(saving time to transfer large objects by […]

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(100) Create AS400 user profiles for QMirror/DR

1. To create an AS400 user profile ‘QMIRROR’ on both source and target AS400s,enter command: CRTUSRPRF USRPRF(QMIRROR) PASSWORD(xxxxxxxx) USRCLS(*USER) SPCAUT(*ALLOBJ *JOBCTL *IOSYSCFG *SAVSYS *SECADM) PWDEXPITV(*NOMAX) 2. Or use any existing user profile which owns SPCAUT(*ALLOBJ *JOBCTL *IOSYSCFG *SAVSYS *SECADM) authority 3. Both source and target AS400s user profile must have same name password 4. The user

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(200) Install QMirror/DR

1. Download QMirror_DR_1xx.zip from https://www.qmirror.com 2. Uninstall QMirror/DR’s earlier version from Windows program menu list 3. Unzip, execute QMirror_DR_1xx.exe, and follow the instructions 4. A program menu ‘QMirror DR’ will be created on Windows 5. Execute QMirror/DR from program menu list 6. Or execute QMirror/DR on a DOS prompt E.g. c:\QMirrorDR\qmirror.bat  Check QMirror/DR directory properties

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(300) Simulation Test

Simulation test is a well designed function for you to quickly review QMirror/DR in a few minutes. Execute Simulation Test requires QMirror/DR library list to be empty. To empty QMirror/DR library list, use command option 3 – ‘Remove libraries from library list’. Simulation test uses the following AS400 commands to build up simulation environments: CRTLIB, CRTDTAARA,

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(410) Exclude objects from QMirror/DR object list

If you want to exclude specified objects from QMirror/DR object list, you can change download flag TBDWFG to ‘X’ in system table QMIRROR.ZAMTBF. E.g. UPDATE QMIRROR.ZAMTBF SET TBDWFG=’X’ WHERE TBLIB=’LIBR1′ AND TBOBJ=’FILEA’ AND TBMBR=’FILEA’ QMirror/DR will end object journaling from source AS400 and drop the objects from target AS400 which TBDWFG is ‘X’. Go to

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