QMirror DR

(430) End QMirror/DR

Execute QMirror/DR in a new shell and use command option 2 – ‘End current instance’. QMirror/DR x.x.x (released at 20xx/xx) command list (QMDR):0 – Reboot QMirror/DR if running1 – Start QMirror/DR2 – End QMirror/DRL – Log monitoringS – Status monitoringQ – QuitYour option is (0/1/2/D/L/S/q) 2 Or, you can use Ctrl-C to terminate QMirror/DR immediately.

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(460) Learn QMirror/DR object transfer status

Object status is kept in field TBDWFG, QMIRROR.ZAMTBF. A -Wait to transferG -TransferringR – Transferred, ready to replicateX -ExcludedfromQMirror/DRZ – Transferred and replicating For examples: 1. To know which object is not ready SELECT * FROM QMIRROR.ZAMTBFWHERE TBDWFG<>’Z’ AND TBDWFG<>’X’ 2. To know which tables are excluded from QMirror/DR SELECT * FROM QMIRROR.ZAMTBF WHERE TBDWFG=’X’ Go to (220) About

(460) Learn QMirror/DR object transfer status Read More »

(470) Recovery mode

Use command option R to switch to recovery mode. Then restart QMirror/DR and use command option 9 to start recovery. When do recovery, the triggers will be enabled again on the target AS400. The system security data can be restored manually if needed. Information saved by the command SAVSECDTA can be restored using the Restore

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(500) Prepare batch programs to execute QMirror/DR

A faster way to execute QMirror/DR is to use batch programs. A batch program named ‘run_qmirror_qmdr.bat’ was created in the QMirror/DR directory. Follow the instruction in ‘run_qmirror_qmdr.bat’ to preset all the parameters needed by QMirror/DR. You can get all the encrypted data from QMirror/DR console displayed under the interactive mode. Notes: QMirror/DR keeps the last

(500) Prepare batch programs to execute QMirror/DR Read More »

(510) Install QMirror/DR as a Windows service

To install QMirror/DR as a Windows service:1. Download QMirror_DR_1xxs.zip from https://www.qmirror.com/download/ 2. Uninstall the earlier QMirror/DR service from the Windows program menu list 3. Unzip, execute QMirror_DR_1xxs.exe, and follow the instructions 4. A program menu ‘QMirror DR Service’ will be created on Windows 5. Edit the preset parameters as needed in c:QMirrorDRServiceQMDR.ini Notes: QMirror/DR service keeps the last workable

(510) Install QMirror/DR as a Windows service Read More »

(A10) AS400 object master (ZAMTBF)

Field Name Key Data Type Description TBLIB K CHAR(10) AS400 library name TBOBJ K CHAR(10) Object name TBMBR K CHAR(10) Member name OBJTP CHAR(8) Object type OBJAT CHAR(10) Object attribute TBREPL CHAR(1) To be replicated TBJLIB CHAR(10) Journal library TBJNAM CHAR(10) Journal name TBTXT CHAR(50) Text TBDWFG CHAR(1) Object statusRefer to (460) Learn QMirror/DR transfer

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