QMirror DR

(A50) Job log file (ZJBLOG) / Job status file (ZJBSTS)

Field Name Key Data Type Description ZJTYPE CHAR(1) Log typeblank – Delay status D – Replicate statusE – Error occurredR – Recovery status ZJJBID NUMBER(3,0) Job ID ZJRPDT NUMBER(8,0) Reporting date ZJRPTM NUMBER(6,0) Reporting time ZJACTN CHAR(30) Action description ZJLIB CHAR(10) AS400 library name ZJOBJ CHAR(10) AS400 file name ZJMBR CHAR(10) AS400 member name ZJDATE […]

(A50) Job log file (ZJBLOG) / Job status file (ZJBSTS) Read More »

(A80) System control file (ZSERVR)

Field Name Key Data Type Description ZVERNO CHAR(10) QMirror/DR version number ZSVRID CHAR(4) Configuration ID ZRECOVERY CHAR(1) Y – recovery mode ZSYSDB CHAR(1) Separated system database ZPTPIP CHAR(30) Target AS400 IP address ZPUSER CHAR(30) Target AS400 user ID ZATPIP CHAR(30) Source AS400 IP address  ZAUSER CHAR(10) Source AS400 user ID ZSLKEY CHAR(31) QMirror/DR license key

(A80) System control file (ZSERVR) Read More »

(B20) Warning messages

W101 QMirror/DR configuration terminated W103 QMirror/DR license will be expired at the end of this month W104 QMirror/DR command terminated W303 AS400 at <IP address> is not running. Will re-connect <n> minutes later.  W305 Failed to build up the replication path. Re-starting QMirror/DR. W307 AS400 journal <library/journal> is not available now. Will try again later. W308 AS400

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