(520) Uninstall QMirror/DR

Use command option ‘U’ to clear and delete working library on source and target AS400s.

QMirror/DR x.x.x (released in 20xx/xxlist (QMDR):
1 – Start QMirror/DR
3 – Remove libraries from library list
4 – Build up object list from source AS400 libraries
6 – Show selected library list
7 – Show excluded object list
8 – ENDJRNPF unselected libraries
K – Change license key
R – Switch to recovery mode
U – Uninstall QMirror/DR
Q – Quit Your option is (1/3/4/5/6/7/8/k/r/u/Q) u

Clear and delete QMirror working library on AS400s? (y/N) y

20xx/xx/xx 10:20:18 Clear remote journals on target AS400 …
20xx/xx/xx 10:20:21 Remote journal QMIRROR/JRN deleted
20xx/xx/xx 10:20:22 Remote journal receiver QMIRROR/JRCV0001 deleted
20xx/xx/xx 10:20:22 Delete QMirror working library QMIRROR on target AS400
20xx/xx/xx 10:20:24 End journal physical files from journal QMIRROR/JRN
20xx/xx/xx 10:20:24 This may take minutes …
20xx/xx/xx 10:20:25 Completed ending physical files journaling from journal QMIRROR/JRN 20xx/xx/xx 10:20:25 Journal QMIRROR/JRN deleted
20xx/xx/xx 10:20:25 Journal receiver QMIRROR/JRCV0001 deleted
20xx/xx/xx 10:20:25 Delete QMirror working library QMIRROR on Source AS400
20xx/xx/xx 10:20:28 QMirror/DR is fully uninstalled

Then select ‘Uninstall QMirror/DR’ from Windows program menu list or execute c:\QMirrorDR\uninstall.exe

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